Friday, October 10, 2008

Bakeries y Dulcitas!

Bakeries are probably my most favorite thing about Spain. There are a million around the Insitute and they always sell chocolate croissants, or napolitanas de chocolate (my absolute favorite). :-)

Apple pie (tarta de manzana) and coffee with milk (cafe con leche) at Cafe & Te.

Spain's famous churros and chocolate! My friend, Estelle and I ventured out to the most famous (and most touristy) chocolateria in Madrid, Chocolatería San Ginés. When I first heard of churros and chocolate I thought of churros and hot chocolate (the drink). The chocolate is actually thick and syrupy, perfect for dunking the churros in. Mmm...
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Unknown said...

You and your chocolate! Enjoy reading your blog!!

Love, Dad

Winnie said...

wow. chocolate and churros sound amazing!! are you flying around on weekends?

i just bought my ticket for berlin yesterday! my mom finally decided after months of changing her mind that i could go, so when i bought my ticket--i didn't buy the insurance plan.

stanford is starting to wind down for me. totally ready to leave already! it's really nice seeing you having fun in spain. it's like i'm living the life! vicariously of course.

be safffffffe
