Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spanish Meals

I am amazed at how late the meals really are. I guess before I came to Madrid, I thought the whole "eating late" and siestas were more an exaggeration than anything else. Not so much. We regualarly eat lunch around 2:00 and dinner is usually 9:30PM. Isabel is a wonderful cook, and we always eat bread with our mostly traditional Spanish meals. I'm also amazed at is how formal everything is. Isabel makes everything from scratch, and we usually eat three course meals with an appetizer, main dish and dessert. Dessert is not always fancy... usually yogurt or fruit. I think my favorite is the coffee cup with the saucer... Oh, elegance!

An aside: One thing I could really get used to is drinking wine everyday. While we were on the orientation trip, everyday at every meal we had wine. It was really fun and very tasty. :-)


bibi said...

Great information spanish lady - some pics did not come out. So you may want to find out why. TTYL, Love, Mom

Unknown said...

I love your blog and seeing your pictures, especially of you!!
