Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weekend in Madrid

October 31 - November 2: Madrid

I stayed in Madrid the weekend of Halloween. It was fairly uneventful... I grabbed a coffee with friends Brian and Russell on the 31st and attended All Saints Day Mass the following day.

I also visited Palacio Real, which was really beautiful, but I could not take any pictures inside [changes to English accent] as they were stictly prohibited. :-(

After being here for 5 weeks, I decided that might be a good time to take some pictures of the area where I live. This here is a little sidewalk I take to get to the Metro.

The famous Cuatro Torres (Four Towers) in the nothern part of the city reside down the street from my apartment. When any other Stanford student sees the Four Towers, they know that they're lost. I on the other hand, know that I'm home.

The front of my apartment building.


In other big news, I bought boots! I'm not sure that I have the legs for them, but you're only young once (which is what I tell myself when I start to feel buyer's remorse).

Finally! Pictures of my wonderful host family! Isabel, my host mom, myself, and Irene, my host sister (23).

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